Author Archives: julien

Entering in the numbers every 108 minutes really makes you appreciate Desmond’s mental state when the survivors of Oceanic flight 815 discovered him inside the hatch. (via ‘Doomsday Terminal’ – How Long Can You Survive? | Touch Arcade) – The terminal featured in the Swan Dharma station, in LOST, as an iPhone app.

What this perl poem generator first gave me:

the hoar

hast at bunk
coar on tost
mall on mams
dibs no post

perl -le ‘sub b{@_=unpack"(A2)*“,pop;$_[rand@_]}
sub w{” “.b("cococacamamadebapabohamolaburatamihopodito”).
{$_=“nnthe”.w.“n”;$_=w.“ ”.b(“attoonnoof”).w if$l;
s/[au][ae]/a/;print;$l=0if$l++>rand 9;sleep 1;redo}’

MonaTweeta II (via Quasimondo) – “Preliminary result of a little competition with the goal to write an image encoder/decoder that allows to send an image in a tweet. The image on the left is what I currently manage to send in 140 characters via twitter.”

[Researchers at the University of Manchester] combined a laser scan of Acrocanthosaurus with known and inferred muscle positions to provide input parameters for a computer program which made the dinosaur walk in the most efficient manner using a genetic algorithm. (via

In a recent study, Bartolo Luque and Lucas Lacasa of the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid in Spain have discovered a new pattern in primes that has surprisingly gone unnoticed until now. They found that the distribution of the leading digit in the prime number sequence can be described by a generalization of Benford’s law.