Author Archives: julien
for fans only – archives diane
-Madeleines retrouvées: ces quelques vieux papiers du temps de Diane, le groupe dans lequel j’ai sévi entre 1997 et 2004. Ci-dessus, 4 tubes sur feuilles volantes. Ci-dessous, ce n’est pas une grille de sudoku mais bel et bien les indications pour une reprise, sauras-tu l’identifier, lecteur astucieux?
quelques setlists:
quelques chansons:
Gizmodo – Long-Exposure Shot of a Roomba’s Path Shows Beautifully Organized Chaos – Roomba – note the beautiful spiral!
via – what is that thing?
Gamasutra – Features – The History of Rogue: Have @ You, You Deadly Zs – Interesting article about Rogue and its clones. One commenter mentions Rog-O-Matic, which looks like it is an evolutionary algorithm that evolves strategies to win Rogue, very cool.
The Biology of B-Movie Monsters – This long article is fascinating, it’s about how movies usually get it wrong when shrinking or growing people and animals. Bottom line: “As size changes, volumes change faster than areas, and areas change faster than linear dimensions.”
Let’s Say You’ve Gone Back in Time (via buzzfeed)