page france, alias le garçon qui pleure, de leur propre aveu un marching band, ce que je confirme! une explosion de joie.
Monthly Archives: May 2006
decordova sculpture park and museum
-the rachel’s – live boston mfa – may 24th 2006
-fenway lights
on a essayé d’assister à un match de base-ball lors de la visite de franck mais les scalpers pratiquent des tarifs prohibitifs. on n’aura vu que les lumières du stade. photo de franck.
liens, numéro treize: des chiffres et des lettres
-- On the Media
In 1916, an 18 page short story titled Lolita about an older man obsessed with a young girl, was published in a German short story collection. […] Was Nabokov a plagiarist, or […] suffer from cryptomnesia?
(tags: npr audio cryptomnesia nabokov lolita plagiarism) - What’s special about this number?
(tags: mathematics numbers characteristics) - Wired 14.05: Posts
“So for JPod, he created a character called Douglas Coupland, based on his online doppelgänger” – via boing boing
(tags: douglascoupland jpod wired web technology writing)
- je suis en train de lire le roman microserfs, écrit par douglas coupland (generation x) il y a 10 ans. ça parle de jeunes gens qui travaillent chez microsoft, puis qui partent dans la silicon valley fonder une startup nommée oop! (pour object oriented programming). c’est un bouquin incroyable, aujourd’hui encore d’une actualité folle. coupland a d’abord écrit une histoire courte qui est devenue ce roman, on la trouve dans les archives de wired, ça date de 1994. à lire absolument. le roman est fabuleux, visionnaire, fascinant, cynique, hilarant, et il m’arrive d’y reconnaître des collègues, voire ma pomme. le bouquin se présente comme un journal, aujourd’hui on peut voir ça comme faisant écho à un blog. coupland vient de sortir un nouveau roman appellé jpod, ça promet. un petit extrait de microserfs:
I’ve been thinking: I get way too many pieces of e-mail, about 60 a day. This is a typical number at Microsoft. E-mail is like highways – if you have them, traffic follows.
I’m an e-mail addict. Everybody at Microsoft is an addict. The future of e- mail usage is being pioneered right here. The cool thing with e-mail is that when you send it, there’s no possibility of connecting with the person on the other end. It’s better than phone answering machines, because with them, the person on the other line might actually pick up the phone and you might have to talk.
Typically, everybody has about a 40 percent immediate cull rate – those pieces of mail you can delete immediately because of a frivolous tag line. What you read of the remaining 60 percent depends on how much of a life you have. The less of a life, the more mail you read.
Abe has developed a “rules-based” software program that anticipates his e- mail preferences and sifts and culls accordingly. I guess that’s sort of like Antonella’s personal secretary program for cats.
le tapis rouge
-liens, numéro douze: chants, sons
-- All Things Feist
All Things Feist est un MP3 blog entièrement consacré à Feist qui propose raretés, vieilleries, vidéos, collaborations. Ne pas rater : un duo avec Albin de la Simone. Ne pas confondre : son ancien groupe Placebo
(tags: feist music mp3blog) - Chronic’art : Interview Fiery Furnaces
via la blogo
(tags: fieryfurnaces interview chronicart) - matthews celebrity pixies tribute
“The Stars salute the Pixies” – Les Beach Boys chantent Levitate Me, Hendrix joue Vamos. Ce n’est pas dans mes rêves mais sur la page MySpace d’un certain Matthew Taylor : quelques meta-covers où les Pixies sont repris par des stars d’hier et d’aujourd’hui, enfin plutôt d’hier.
(tags: music myspace pixies tribute cover francksinatra beegees prince bobmarley mp3) - Visceral Song Moments
“Teenage Fanclub – The Concept: Metallic squalls of feedback are the first sounds you’ll hear when you put on Teenage Fanclub’s 1991 album, Bandwagonesque. […] Bandwagonesque may be a disc of sweet-honey melodies, but those melodies are all blasted out of amps turned to 11.” – il n’y a donc pas qu’à Françoune et moi que cette chanson fait de l’effet
(tags: blog music teenagefanclub bandwagonesque theconcept mp3) - The Free Information Society – Historical Sounds in MP3 Format
quotes by or about: Apollo 13 – Fidel Castro – James Dean – Thomas Edison – Mahatma Gandhi – Bill Gates – JFK…
(tags: history mp3 audio quotes free einstein jfk radio) - stereogum: El Madmo (“Norah Jones’ Punk Band”) @ Delancey, NYC 5/12/06
“Man, Ashlee Simpson’s hot since her nose job… But she doesn’t touch Norah Jones in a sleazy superhero disguise.” – Norah Jones et son groupe secret, ou presque
(tags: norahjones elmadmo live punk secret) - Village Indian: “Norah Jones’s New Punk Band”
D’autres photos de El Madmo
(tags: norahjones elmadmo music live secret wig punk)