Mars Hotel et autres histoires – weezer – songs from the black hole
Weezer aussi a son disque perdu, mythique, son concept-album de science-fiction passé à la trappe qui suscite fantasmes et pétitions des fans. Le Smile de Weezer s’appelle Songs from the Black Hole et il aurait dû sortir en 1995 -
Space Invader – a photoset on Flickr
“These pictures were taken in the streets of Vienna or in the studio of French street artist Space Invader, during his “invasion” of June 2006.” via kathrynyu -
Contrechamp – La mélancolie, le silence et la joie
Barbara Carlotti, la dandy, réinvente le spleen dans la continuité d’un Léo Ferré pour qui la mélancolie “est un chat perdu qu’on croit retrouvé”. -
Armadillo Run
“Armadillo Run is a physics-based puzzle game. You have to build structures with the purpose of getting an armadillo to a certain point in space.” – via nasm -
Weird Science
profil d’homaro cantu, chef du moto, adepte de la cuisine à l’azote liquide, dans fast company -
The Walrus Magazine – Game Theories
By World Bank rankings, that made EverQuest richer than India, Bulgaria, or China, and nearly as wealthy as Russia.
liens, numéro quinze – musique, space invaders, sciences physiques
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