Author Archives: julien


A wrecked Zeppelin sits ashore in Mison, France, 1918.Photograph by Paul Thompson, National Geographic

Gorin sur Gainsbourg, déjà le #3 sur BB :

Sa beauté rime ici avec bottée. Mythe ambulant et pays de contrastes : médailles d’imperator et marque des esclaves à chaque doigt… Jaloux, déjà, des multi-alliances passées par l’amante selon son bon plaisir ? La chute est un mot à demi-codé : Almeria. Tournage espagnol d’un western d’Edward Dmytryk avec Sean Connery

Kurdt 20

Ride Into the Sun by The Velvet Underground » A Head Full of Wishes

Ride Into the Sun never made it onto any of The Velvet Underground’s official releases until, I believe, their posthumous Another View compilation was released in 1986, the version on that was an instrumental version recorded in 1969, an earlier version, with vocals, had turned up on the 1993 Australian box set, and an out-take from the Loaded sessions made it onto the Peel Slowly and See box set.

Mandelbrot Genetics — Fractals + genetic algorithm — Evolving the Mandelbrot set formula to imitate figurative art — pretty cool!


29 – J’ai gardé les atermoiements et les tergiversations métaphysiques d’un type en collant face à la grande faucheuse, le tout édité par les mythiques éditions LUG.

Inspiré par les Etagères du Capricorne

David Lynch explains his “eye of the duck” theory, at Bob’s Big Boy diner, in 1988.

I had not heard of this idea at all before I read this very good paper on Twin Peaks / True Detective in Gothamist:

How True Detective & Twin Peaks Are Just One Story, The Oldest

(The paper reveals who killed Laura Palmer and who killed Dora Lange)

The movie is like a duck, and the eye of the duck is its most beautiful part, which shines on everything else.

I’ll be looking out for the eye of the duck in my favorite movies, TV series and books. And also in everyday life.