Author Archives: julien

[…] No matter where you are, if you have a radio, […] you’ll need to wait, on average, only about 40 minutes until a Katy Perry song comes on. Good to know. (via What’s the TTKP? « Music Machinery) Very nice and fun data crunching of radio playlists via YES api. What’s the number for WMBR, though ?

Le friselis de guitare en intro de Suspicious Minds électrise tout le morceau. La voix d’Elvis est naturellement très en avant mais c’est un vrai groupe qu’on entend derrière lui, non un simple assemblage de requins somnolents. (via Elvis Presley (3) – Le fil musique – Télé – Très bonne série consacrée à Elvis sur le blog de François Gorin.


it’s Bohemian Raphsody Time !!

How does it work? […] Given a word, we are trying to choose the most likely spelling correction for that word. […] We are trying to find the correction c, out of all possible corrections, that maximizes the probability of c given the original word w.

How to Write a Spelling Corrector – a nice Bayesian algorithm, and 21 lines of Python.