La citycam filmant Boston que j’aimais bien est en panne.

salish lodge, snoqualmie / great northern hotel, twin peaks (by dehub)

[…] the fact that they are classifying more albums in less of a range is disheartening at best and troubling at worst. I call this trend towards album ratings homogeneity the “Rolling Stone Effect.” (via A Statistical Analysis of Pitchfork’s Ratings pt. 2 «) – Merci @Furtif !

emacs, ps, grep and kill FTW!

“I cheered when Trinity in The Matrix used nmap and ssh […]. In Tron, the hacker was not supposed to be snooping around on a network; he was supposed to kill a process. So we went with posix kill and also had him pipe ps into grep. […] I was tickled that I got emacs into a block buster movie.” (via jtnimoy – Tron Legacy (2010))

Loaded, c’est maintenant sur les disques rayés de Gorin – “Plus que ce qu’il raconte, le ton, le son, cette voix. Tiraillée de partout, prête à craquer, vibrant de la moindre syllabe.” (via The Velvet Underground (5) – Le fil musique – Télé

F. Gorin sur le Velvet : excellente série sur “les disques rayés”. Vivement Loaded – “Lou Reed est avant tout et sauf pour les sourds un fucking songwriter.” (via The Velvet Underground (4) – Le fil musique – Télé

Porco Rosso était un manga avant d’être un film

“Originally published in 1989 in Japan’s Model Grafx magazine, later to be included in the Hayao Miyazaki’s Daydream Note anthology, The Age of the Flying Boat is the original manga that would become the film Porco Rosso.”

(via Voyages Extraordinaires: The Age of the Flying Boat (1989))