
Totoro Noir. ça c’est de l’affiche !!

atlas anatomie 8 (via pilllpat (agence eureka)) – Joyeuses fêtes!

Scott Campbell “LOST Showdowns (2)” watercolor on archival paper 5 x 5 inches each, framed

(via The LOST Underground Art Show)

Some are cool. Some are creepy.

Tumblr Mosaic – Creates a instant gallery of all pictures of any tumblr. The Random function is amazing.

(via human target)

Nathaniel Virgo

{[2, 1, 4], [0.1, 0.11, 0.12]), [0.1, 0.1, 0.5])) *[1, 1, 0], [120, 10]), doneAction: 2)}.play

Tim Walters

22 pieces by artists from around the world, each piece created with just 140 characters of code. – SuperCollider » sc140

La musique automatique!

It is much more fun to put cream cheese on these bagels than on an ordinary bagel. In additional to the intellectual stimulation, you get more cream cheese, because there is slightly more surface area. (via Mathematically Correct Breakfast – Mobius Sliced Linked Bagel) – Thanks Ash. Décidément les tores regorgent de mystères!