yekermo sew mulatu and the heliocentrics live (via blindeyetv)
yekermo sew mulatu and the heliocentrics live (via blindeyetv)
copenhague (via pilllpat (agence eureka))
Teenar, Girl Guitar (via The 14 most outrageous guitars on the internet |
The guys of Flight of the Conchords re-imagined as American icons (via Kiwi Gothic [PIC])
geometrie 9b (via pilllpat (agence eureka))
Is this the theory of everything? (via newscientistvideo)
[…] history and highlights of the truck driving country and western genre that ruled the roads and airwaves in 60s and 70s. (via Dinosaur Gardens » Roctober #46 presents: Truckin’ Music!) – with mp3s
Amanda Palmer – Amsterdam (A Take Away Show) on Vimeo (via Vimeo) – Pigalle!