14 juillet au bord de la mer
-30 Most Incredible Abstract Satellite Images of Earth : Environmental News Blog | Environmental Graffiti
la nasa a choisi quelques magnifiques photo satellites, superbes aiguilles dans une botte de foin qui ne cesse de grandir.
via http://www.kottke.org/remainder/08/07/16012.html
Central téléphonique du Moutchic
-Uniformed Letter Carrier with Child in Mailbag
-Cinema redux – movie thumbnailer: How to make a redux snapshot from a movie in 2 lines. Test case: Kieslowski’s Décalogue
- After writing this earlier post about vertigo and cinema redux, I wondered how to make this kind of pictures easily.
You’ll need 2 pieces of software:
ffmpeg, open source audio and video codec
homepage: http://ffmpeg.mplayerhq.hu/
download: http://ffmpeg.mplayerhq.hu/download.html
montage, part of the ImageMagick software suite
homepage: http://www.imagemagick.org/script/index.php
download: http://www.imagemagick.org/script/binary-releases.php
let’s say the movie you want to process is called movie.avi
> ffmpeg -i movie.avi -r 1 -s 8x6 -f image2 frame.%05d.png
> montage frame*.png -tile 60 -geometry 8x6+0+0 -background black redux.png
there you go! right here on the command line! depending on your operating system you will probably have to adapt a little bit. I did it successfully in Windows/Cygwin.
These 2 pictures below are from Kieslowski’s Décalogue.
Décalogue 1: Un seul Dieu du adoreras
Décalogue 5: Tu ne tueras point
Vos photos: Odessa, Odessa
-paris – rue henry monnier
-vertigo redux
cette image, vertigo redux, est composée ainsi:
on échantillonne un film chaque seconde, on rapetisse les images et on met bout à bout. chaque ligne correspond à une minute de film.
on constate que le craquage rouge et blanc dans vertigo a lieu au niveau de la proportion d’or: bien joué alfred.
(via: http://infosthetics.com/archives/2008/07/cinema_redux_film_mosaics.html)